The first thing you’ll need is software that scans the area for area networks. There are literally dozens of these, but one of the best, most popular, and easiest to use is Net Stumbler. Downloading this and setting it up takes mere minutes. It’s recommended that you put the software on a laptop, so you can move it around the space to check for competing networks that might be visible from different parts of your house.
If this is the case, you can switch your router to a channel that your neighbors aren’t using, and in doing so, boost the overall performance of your Internet connection. Changing your router’s channel is a fairly simple, straightforward process, but depending on the type of router you have, will determine how to best change the channel. Search for your routers model number on the web and look for changing Wi-Fi channel.
Though finding the channels can be fairly easy, finding available space, using the right channels, and programming the router may be more difficult. Sometimes it will require multiple access points to provide good speed and coverage throughout the home or office space. If you need help with this, our technicians can help to find the right combination to give you the speed and coverage you need. Just give us a call.